We focus on meeting high quality requirements in our work during which ethical considerations are also given great attention to. The information and imagery we gain is treated confidentially. The use of pictures as reference materials can only happen with the consent of our clients. The maximal consideration of our clients' requirements is implicit for the members of our staff. We find it important for our clients to enjoy themselves while receiving quality service.
We focus on meeting high quality requirements in our work during which ethical considerations are also given great attention to. The information and imagery we gain is treated confidentially. The use of pictures as reference materials can only happen with the consent of our clients. The maximal consideration of our clients' requirements is implicit for the members of our staff. We find it important for our clients to enjoy themselves while receiving quality service.
In the following gallery you will find the results of our work. We take photos before and after the intervention to show the results of hair implantation. We display the photos without retouch, both of the donor and implantation areas.
1135 Budapest Szegedi Road 56.
Hair Transplant Result
9800+ hajszál beültetése
Hair Transplant Result
3000+ implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
6000+ implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
6500+ implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
4500 implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
4500+ implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
5500+ implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
4500 implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
7000 implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
2000+ implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
5500+ implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
2500+ implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
4500+ implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
4500+ implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
4000+ implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
4000+ implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
2500+ implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
3000+ implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
4500 implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
4500 implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
3750+ implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
4000+ implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
4000+ implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
3000+ implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
5500+ implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
Hair Transplant Result
4500 implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
4200 implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
6750+ implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
4000+ beültetett hajszál
Hair Transplant Result
6000 implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
5500 implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
5500 implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
3500 implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
6000 implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
4000 implanted hairs, 1 day
“This is a long term project, therefore I will not necessarily feel its effect next week or a month from now. Rather one and half to two year from now I will come into the Clinic, sprinkle flower petals all around, and I will say thank you.”
The photo was taken before the surgery
You can also watch the video prepared of the result here.
Hair Transplant Result
7000+ implanted hairs,2-day operation
Hair Transplant Result
Hair Transplant Result
5500 implanted hairs with a day
Hair Transplant Result
7000 implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
2700 implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
10500 implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
5000 implanted hairs within a day
Hair Transplant Result
6000 implanted hairs
You can also watch the video prepared of the result here.
Hair Transplant Result
Hair loss occurred in the front part of László’s head. The photo shows the implantation of 7,500 hairs, which HIMG Clinic performed in two days.
You can also watch the video prepared of the result here.
Hair Transplant Result
6000 implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
Tom had barely any hairs above his forehead and in his temples. After a two day long treatment, his hair transplant result become visible after 11 months. Natural Hair Transplant Results by HIMG Clinic
Hair Transplant Result
Péter lost a portion of his hair in a fire when he was a child. The reconstruction of the scalp was performed by the medical team of HIMG Clinic under the leadership of chief physician, Dr. Péter Vincze. The result speaks for itself.
You can also watch the video prepared of the result here.
Hair Transplant Result
You can also watch the video prepared of the result here.
Hair Transplant Result
2500+ implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
Csenki Attila, a Showder Klub és a Dumaszínház humoristája, aki egyébként terület- és településfejlesztő geográfus diplomával rendelkezik. Attila előadásain a jó hangulat garantált, és fellépő társaival minden humorra vágyó éjszakázót várnak országos fellépéseiken. A Dumaszínház kiemelkedő humoristája.
You can also watch the video prepared of the result here.
Hair Transplant Result
As a television personality he believed that for public performers it is very important to always have an aesthetic appearance. This is one of the reasons why he undertook that his hairs which disappeared from the top of his head be replaced from his remaining hair stock. We were glad to perform the task, and in a single day we transplanted several thousand hairs from the back side of his head.
You can also watch the videos prepared of the result here.
Hair Transplant Result
10500 implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
The implantation of more than 3,500 hairs in one day. This photo shows the spectacular hair implantation result, which was performed by HIMG Clinic.
Hair Transplant Result
Áron was balding in the front part of his head. For the achievement of the perfect result the implantation of 4,000 hairs was necessary, which was performed by HIMG Clinic.
Hair Transplant Result
Zoltán’s hair implantation was considered to be a great process at our Clinic, since we implanted 9,000 hairs onto the entire top of his head. One year after this two day procedure Zoltán also became a happier person. The result was fantastic.
Hair Transplant Result
6000 implanted hairs
Hair Transplant Result
Zoltán was balding in the front part of his head on a large area. Our task was to create a natural hairline for him. The procedure took 2 days, and one year later he became a happier and more self-confident man.
Hair Transplant Result
Zsolt was balding in a typical way. We were very glad to help him become a happier man.
Hair Transplant Result
Mihály has a large donor area, thus the hair implantation was not a great challenge for the medical team. The implanted part was considerably smaller than the donor area.
Hair Transplant Result
Ádám was balding in the front part of his head. For the perfect result he needed 4,000 hairs.
Hair Transplant Result
László was severely balding on a large area on the top of his head. We considered it a challenge to create a natural appearance for him in the course of the implantation. The two day procedure was performed by HIMG Clinic.
Hair Transplant Result
Zsuzsanna was a woman with low self-confidence. She was balding diffusely everywhere. The one day procedure with long hair was a great challenge. Fortunately, we managed to create a perfect result for Zsuzsa who became happier and more self-confident by it.
Hair Transplant Result
Krisztina was balding diffusely on the top of her head. After the implantation of 5,000+ hairs, we managed to achieve that her hairstyle was changed. Now she looks younger, and she does not need to wear a scarf any more. She simply looks great after the procedure performed by HIMG Clinic.
Hair Transplant Result
Tímea was balding diffusely on the top of her head. This was a great challenge, because her hair started to turn grey, but the nearly 7 hour procedure was fruitful.
Hair Transplant Result
Réka was severely balding on the left side of her head. The donor area was huge, thus the extraction part was not a great task, but the implantation was. The surface of the skin was not suitable. Behold the result of the hair implantation, which turned her into a happy woman.
Hair Transplant Result
Lack of hair. Lack of contrast. These are complicated cases, because in this way we have to work on the donor area as well. Erzsébet suffers from alopecia, she lost her hair diffusely everywhere. One day procedure performed on long hair. Erzsébet was expressly satisfied with the result, which she received from the medical team of HIMG Clinic
1135 Budapest Szegedi Road 56.
HIMG Hair Transplantation Clinic is the largest and most modern hair transplantation center in Hungary. The Clinic was built in compliance with the most modern regulatory requirements and in consideration of international standards. On over 500 square meters 3 surgical treatment premises and 1 large surgery room await our patients. Thus our institution has become the largest and most modern hair transplantation center in Hungary. Our modern building and equipment stock makes it possible for us to serve visiting clients in the most beautiful environment and on the highest quality standard.
Please upload the photos you have taken and let us know in which areas should we perform hair transplant.
Our doctors, who have done thousands of hair transplants, will carefully examine the images that have been submitted.
We will get back to you as soon as possible. You will receive a response within 72 hours, but we will usually respond within 1 business day.
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